
Suffering. I was going through a very difficult time, I had just split with my partner and I lost all hope or enthusiasm for the future. They call it the dark night of the soul I later found out. This happened when I was 40, and it was the biggest fall I had. I had already been bankrupt, cheated on, and when I was 18 I ended up severely paralysed after a diving accident. So my life was a catalogue of suffering, although through all that suffering I have always loved life. There’s something amazing about being alive. And I never lost that view until I hit the dark night of the soul just after my 40th birthday. It was temporary, and now I see it as a gift that propelled me to what I do now.
2.どれほど すばらしい地球にしたいと想っているのでしょうか。
I don’t. The most beautiful wonderful world already exist. It’s not perfect, but it is where it is and exactly where it needs to be. I would like to awaken more to the overcoming of suffering. The problem with creating a wonderful world is that it is subjective and through the filters of everyone. What is true for me may not be true for somebody else. Wonderful world is less suffering, but it wouldn’t be free from pain. That would be like asking for the light to never turn to dark.
The tools and the wisdom to accept things the way they are while growing beyond their current consciousness without attachment.
Again, paradise is subjective. Take a deep breath, except the love that is present and you already have paradise. Then we turn on the news and see the suffering. Paradise to me is been able to reduce the suffering as much as possible without diminishing its purpose.
5.さいごに 愛の国創りをする仲間たちと共に生きるとしたら、どのような未来が見えますか?その想いをおきかせください。
When we move out of ego love, and onto an unconditional love we are at peace within. We no longer desire or get attached to love or its wonderful endorphins. Universal love, or love of oneness means creating the least possible of all suffering onto anything else, including animals, trees, rocks and waters. The only suffering that will exist is what is absolutely necessary. From that altitude of acceptance we are no longer affected by the finite consciousness, therefore suffering also becomes a pleasure of sorts. We will have less attachments, emotionally and in a material way. The planet can start to heal, the animals can once again thrive, and the plant life will be accepted as the other half of each breath.

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